This 1915 - 1920 Chevrolet Car, Truck Shop Manual is a high-quality, PRINT, reproduction of the shop manual which was written and first published by the experts at the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Chevrolet Motor Division, for use by their dealership mechanics.
Many people are quick to label something as a classic, but you can be sure that when a machine lasts for a century or more, you're not just tossing around a tired expression. It's definitely worthy of the title. With a copyright on 1919, not only is your vintage Chevy a true classic, but the material in this beautifully reprinted manual is too!
The first page of this 180-page guide sums it up nicely by stating its purpose as, "Showing Short Cuts and Methods for the Care and Maintenance of Chevrolet Motor Cars".
As an additional confidence builder, let's take a look at several points listed in the preface. "We have attempted, in this Service Manual, to deliver a clear and concise message, which will enable any one to make the necessary repairs and adjustments to Chevrolet Cars." They also explain, "It has been made simple, with technical terms eliminated, for the benefit of the Chevrolet owner who is without previous experience." You'll be pleased to know the description further includes, "The simplicity and accessibility of Chevrolet Cars, combined with the ease of operation, make it possible for one without previous mechanical experience to secure entirely satisfactory results."
This handy, operation and repair manual has been handily divided into five chapters. In these pages you'll find detailed instructions on a variety of topics. First up is: How to Operate Your Car, A Detailed Description of the Things Most Likely to Cause Difficulty, and how to Diagnose Them. Next up is a section for: Practical Methods for the Care and Maintenance of Your Car. That is followed by: Electrical System. Lastly, there is a section dedicated to: Lubrication.
- 1915 - 1920 Chevrolet 490
- 1916 Chevrolet H Four Cylinder
- 1916 - 1918 Chevrolet Series D V-8
- 1917 Chevrolet F Four Cylinder
- 1918 Chevrolet FA Four Cylinder
- 1918 - 1920 Chevrolet Model T Truck - 1 Ton
- 1919 - 1920 Chevrolet FB Four Cylinder
In addition to all of the well-written text information, you'll be pleased to discover a huge number of excellent illustrations and diagrams. There are many detailed cut-away views, wiring diagrams and other helpful visual aids throughout this 1915 - 1920 Chevrolet Service Manual. You'll have an excellent understanding of what is required for the various tasks from small to large. It's all of the information presented by the factory experts, but available in a clean and new package.
This factory written shop manual is perfect for service, repairs, restoration, and rebuild projects. Clear illustrations and photos show exploded views, as well as component details, plus specifications one engine, data, engine torque, carburetion and more.
Subject: 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920 Chevrolet Car, Truck Shop Manual - Includes Detailed Procedures and Instructions. | 1919
- How to Operate Your Car
- Detailed Description of the Things Most Likely to Cause Difficulty, and How to Diagnose Them
- Practical Methods for the Care and Maintenance of Your Car
- Electrical System
- Lubrication

TABLE OF CONTENTS - 1915 - 1920 Chevrolet Car, Truck Shop Manual

Below:1915 - 1920 Chevrolet Car, Truck Shop Manual Sample Page - Detecting Ignition Trouble