This 1932 - 1936 Packard One Twenty Eight-Super Eight Twelve Shop Manual is a high-quality reproduction of the original equipment manufacturer's (OEM) shop manual which was published by Packard Motor Car Company back when these industry leading cars first rolled out of the factory. When it comes time for service or repair on your classic, be sure to use the ultimate guide for these vehicles. Because it was written by the automaker for their dealerships, you know it has the jobs organized and they are complete, accurate and efficient. Whether you have the One Twenty, the Eight or the Super Eight, this guide has what you need. It is packed with a large number and variety of visual aids to assist you with jobs from small to large.
By the early 1930s, Packard already had a well-deserved reputation for being a prestigious automaker. They knew it, too. In a famous ad campaign, Packard's tag line was "Ask the man who owns one." They were able to survive The Great Depression and continued to innovate and manufacture vehicles with handsome designs, highly technical components and luxurious accommodations and features. Be sure that you have what you need in order to get and keep your beloved auto rolling down the road. To make that happen, this handy shop manual is the first tool you should have in hand.
- 1933 Packard Model 1001
- 1933 Packard Model 1002
- 1933 Packard Model 1003
- 1933 Packard Model 1004
- 1933 Packard Model 1005
- 1933 Packard Model 1006
- 1934 Packard Model 1100
- 1934 Packard Model 1101
- 1934 Packard Model 1103
- 1934 Packard Model 1104
- 1934 Packard Model 1105
- 1934 Packard Model 1106
- 1934 Packard Model 1107
- 1934 Packard Model 1108
- 1935 Packard Model 120-A
- 1936 Packard Model 120-B
- 1935 Packard Model 1200
- 1935 Packard Model 1201
- 1935 Packard Model 1203
- 1935 Packard Model 1204
- 1935 Packard Model 1205
- 1935 Packard Model 1207
- 1935 Packard Model 1208
- 1936 Packard Model 1400
- 1936 Packard Model 1401
- 1936 Packard Model 1402
- 1936 Packard Model 1403
- 1936 Packard Model 1404
- 1936 Packard Model 1405
- 1936 Packard Model 1407
- 1936 Packard Model 1408
- 1932 Packard Model 900
- 1932 Packard Model 901
- 1932 Packard Model 902
- 1932 Packard Model 903
- 1932 Packard Model 904
- 1932 Packard Model 905
- 1932 Packard Model 906
This reproduction, factory-written shop manual is perfect for service, repairs, restoration and rebuild projects. Clear illustrations and photos show exploded views, as well as component details, plus specifications on engine data, engine torque, carburetion and more.
Subject: 1932 - 1936 Packard One Twenty Eight-Super Eight Twelve Shop Manual - Includes Detailed Procedures and Instructions. 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936 | Original Publish Date: 1935

- Motor, Routine for Trouble Shooter
- Spark Plugs (Heat Range of)
- Carburetor Adjustment
- Water Pump Packing
- Fan Belt Adjustment
- Generator & Third Brush Adjustment
- Damper or Timing Chain Remove and Replace
- Timing Ignition
- Brake Adjustment
- Sterring Adjustments
- Front End Trouble Shooting
- Wheel Alignment
- Caster and Camber Adjustment
- Standard Sizes and Adjustments
Below: 1932 - 1936 Packard One Twenty Eight-Super Eight Twelve Shop Manual Sample Page - Generator