This OEM 1934 Plymouth Maintenance Manual is a high quality PRINT reproduction of the original shop manual published by Plymouth Division. OEM (original equipment manufacturer) manuals offer the most information you can find about your vehicle. Written by the manufacturer for dealership mechanics and technicians, this OEM manual will have the highest quality information on the market regarding your 1934 Plymouth.
Looking to replace the clutch, reline the hand brakes, or even renovate the electrical on your '34 Plymouth? This manual has great step-by-step instructions alongside clear images to eradicate any ambiguities, in order to make these jobs - and many more - as simple as possible. In addition, since this manual was written for professionals, it is filled with pro-tips that will help you get the job done right!
For more information on the specific sections covered in this manual, click on the "TABLE OF CONTENTS" tab below.
- 1934 Plymouth Deluxe PE Model
- 1934 Plymouth Standard PF Model
- 1934 Plymouth Standard PG Model
This factory written shop manual is perfect for service, repairs, restoration, and rebuild projects. Clear illustrations and photos show exploded views as well as component details, plus specifications on engine data, engine torque, carburetion, and more.
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Subject: 1934 Plymouth Maintenance Manual - Includes Detailed Procedures and Instructions. | OEM Part Number: D-2548

- Inspection & Car Tune-up
- Axle-Front
- Axle-Rear
- Brakes
- Clutch
- Cooling System
- Electrical System
- Engine
- Fuel and Exhaust
- Frame and Springs
- Steering
- Trans, and Univ. Joints
- Wheels and Tires
- Body
- General Specifications
Below:1934 Plymouth Maintenance Manual Sample Page - Brakes