This 1936 Buick Shop Manual is a high-quality, reproduction of the original equipment manufacturer's (OEM) shop manual, which was written and first published by Buick Motors Division for use by their dealership service teams. Packed with 232 pages of detailed information, this is the definitive guide for service and repair procedures on your 1936 Buick. Not only does it contain well-written, step-by-step text instructions, but all of that great text information has been handily paired with a huge number of black and white photographs, tables, illustrations, charts, cutaway views and more. There's even a CENTERFOLD! Well, hold on. Let me restate that. It has a foldout. That foldout may not actually be in the center, but, nevertheless, it is a tremendously cool addition. The foldout is actually two helpful oversize items. It features a chassis lubrication chart on one side and a dimension limit chart on the other. You have to admit, there's something at least a little bit humorous about a dimension limit chart which doesn't even fit in the regular book.
In 1936, Buick offered an array of fine automobiles to suit your tastes. Legend has it the British were then using "doing the century" as a slang term for driving 100 miles per hour. Since the new, smaller Buick loaded with the big engine was up to that task, it was named "Century". While the model name may not have lasted a century, it lasted about 70 eternity in the car world!
Whether you're working on a Special, Century, Roadmaster or Limited, this book has you covered. Want to know about servicing the ignition on cars equipped with radios? It's in this guide. Looking for a wiring diagram? You'll find that here, too...and much more. Order yours today!
- 1936 Buick Century Series 60
- 1936 Buick Limited Series 90
- 1936 Buick Roadmaster Series 80
- 1936 Buick Special 40
This reproduction, factory-written shop manual is perfect for service, repairs, restoration and rebuild projects. Clear illustrations and photos show exploded views, as well as component details, plus specifications on engine data, engine torque, carburetion and more.
Subject: 1936 Buick Shop Manual - Includes Detailed Procedures and Instructions. | OEM Part Number: BPS-1.20
![1936 Buick Shop Manual](
- Engine
- Engine Oil Recommendations
- Cooling and Oiling
- Carburetion
- Heat Control
- Automatic Choke
- Fuel Pump
- Intake and Exhaust
- Clutch
- Transmission
- Front Suspension
- Rear Axle
- Brakes
- Wheels and Tires
- Frame
- Chassis Springs
- Shock Absorbers
- Stabilizer
- Riding Qualities
- Steering
- Electrical
- Body
- Accessories
- Dimension Limits
- Detailed Specifications
- Dimensional Drawings
- Lubrication Chart
Below: 1936 Buick Shop Manual Sample Page - Axle