This 1946 - 1950 Packard Service Manual is a high-quality reproduction of the original equipment manufacturer's (OEM) shop manuals first published by Packard Motor Car Company when these beautiful cars were brand new. Containing over 450 pages, this manual combines the material of all seven of their original 6" x 9" individual manuals into one handy guide. It also presents them in an easy to use 8 1/2" x 11" format. This shop manual "set" is the definitive source for maintenance and repair on these fine automobiles from front to back. The well-written text has been conveniently paired with a large number and variety of visual aids to be sure you can get the jobs on your classic done completely and correctly. Detailed chapters will give you the information and confidence you'll need for jobs from small to large.
- SECTION I - The Hydraulic System of the 1948 Convertible
- SECTION II - Reconditioning the Rear Axle
- SECTION III - Front Suspension and Steering
- SECTION V - Engine
- SECTION VI - Chassis
- SECTION VII - Clutch, Electromatic Clutch, Transmission and Overdrive
- 1948 - 1950 Packard Custom Eight
- 1948 - 1950 Packard Deluxe Eight
- 1946 - 1947 Packard Model 2100
- 1946 Packard Model 2101
- 1946 - 1947 Packard Model 2103
- 1946 - 1947 Packard Model 2106
- 1946 - 1947 Packard Model 2111
- 1946 - 1947 Packard Model 2126
- 1946-1947 Packard Clipper
- 1946 Packard Model 2130
- 1948 Packard Model 2201
- 1948 Packard Model 2202
- 1948 Packard Model 2206
- 1948 Packard Model 2211
- 1948 Packard Model 2222
- 1948 Packard Model 2226
- 1948 Packard Model 2233
- 1948 - 1950 Packard Standard Eight
- 1948 - 1950 Packard Super Eight
Like all U.S. automakers, Packard had to make the transition, after World War II, to once again begin building for the civilian market. The company had long enjoyed a reputation for building luxurious automobiles with reliable mechanical components and the 1946 - 1950 models continued the proud tradition. When you're ready to turn some wrenches on yours, be sure you have the information to get the jobs done right. This guide is the first tool you should have in hand when performing service and repair procedures on your vintage cruiser.
This reproduction, factory-written shop manual is perfect for service, repairs, restoration and rebuild projects. Clear illustrations and photos show exploded views as well as component details, plus specifications on engine data, engine torque, carburetion and more. Order yours today!
Subject: 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950 Packard Service Manual - Includes Detailed Procedures and Instructions. | First Edition 48

NOTE: Packard originally published seven individual 6" x 9" manuals to be used as a set. All seven of those manuals have been combined into this one guide. It has also been conveniently resized to 8 1/2" X 11".
- SECTION I - The Hydraulic System of the 1948 Convertible
- SECTION II - Reconditioning the Rear Axle
- SECTION III - Front Suspension and Steering
- SECTION V - Engine
- SECTION VI - Chassis
- SECTION VII - Clutch, Electromatic Clutch, Transmission and Overdrive
Below: 1946-1950 Packard Shop Manual Sample Page - Transmission