This 1949 Lincoln Body Parts Catalog is a high-quality, PRINT, reproduction of the parts catalog which was written and first published by the experts at the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Ford Motor Company, for use by their dealership mechanics. Now this handy 240-page parts list can be yours!
If you are looking for part numbers, whether to verify you have the correct factory pieces, or for use in locating them, this is the guide for you. It will show you which parts and fasteners belong with which body types, important comments about the various parts, the part number (of course) and how many are required per vehicle. You'll also be able to determine which parts and fasteners are interchangeable, in order to help with your search. It may just be the handiest (and lightest) tool that you'll take with you out in the salvage yards. With respect to the "comments about various parts" mentioned above, you'll find such helpful notes for items like the body to frame spacer as "Stud 1-3/4" square x 5/16" thick".
In addition to the well-organized text sections of this 1949 body parts catalog, you'll love all of the wonderful, detailed illustrations. There are many exploded-view diagrams to show you how all of the pieces fit together. It's a great way to see if you even HAVE all of the pieces, before sitting down to see if they are correct.
- 1949 Lincoln 9EL Series
- 1949 Lincoln Cosmopolitan
Whether you're working on a Lincoln 9 L series 121" W.B. six passenger coupe, sport sedan or six passenger convertible coupe, or the Lincoln Cosmopolitan 9 H series 125" W.B. six passenger coupe, town sedan, sport sedan or six passenger convertible coupe, this book has you covered.
Please take a moment to check out the table of contents section on this page to see just how extensive the coverage is, regarding these vintage vehicles.
There's no doubt that 1949 was a big year for Lincoln, as they began rolling-out new post-war designs. Auto bodies were become more streamlined and the beautiful, big Lincolns were no exception. When it comes time to get to work on the body pieces of your classic, be sure you have this 1949 Lincoln Body Parts Catalog. It's a freshly-printed and packaged version, which retains all of the original content.
NOTE: This is a BODY PARTS manual, for overhaul procedures, please see our 1949 - 1951 Lincoln Mercury Overhaul Manual, which can be found by clicking here...1949 - 1951 Lincoln Mercury Overhaul Manual.
This factory-written parts catalog is perfect for service, repairs, restoration and rebuild projects. Clear illustrations and photos show exploded views, as well as component details and more.
Subject: 1949 Lincoln Body Parts Catalog - Includes Detailed Procedures and Instructions. | OEM Part Number: FORM 3641-49![](
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