This OEM 1953 Buick Shop Manual is a high quality, authorized, licensed reproduction of the original shop manual published by Buick Motors Division. Before you pick up those pliers, spin that screwdriver or break loose a bevy of bolts on your 1953 Buick, be sure to get this 316 page service manual in your hand. It's a valuable tool for getting and keeping your beloved Buick motoring down the road. It begins with some general information, then this guide addresses the following systems, which have been conveniently divided and grouped: Lubricare and bearing service, engine, fuel and exhaust, clutch, transmission and universal joint, rear axle assembly, chassis suspension, steering gear and tie rods, brakes, frame, electrical, radio and other accessories, sheet metal and body.
NOTE: This is a supplement. It is desinged to be used WITH the parent manual. Here is an excerpt..."This manual furnishes service information on those items in 1953 models which are different from 1952 models. Where design and service procedures are identical with 1952 models, reference is made to the appropriate section of the 1952 Buick Shop Manual." For details on the 1952 manual, please see the 1952 Buick Shop Manual. We highly recommend owning both manuals.
NOTE: For information on the air conditioning system, please see the 1953 - 1954 Buick Air Conditioner Shop Manual.
In 1953, Buick offered 15 models (among the three Series). It was the year in which Buick celebrated their 50th anniversary. This repair manual will help you keep your classic (and the celebration) going. If you need specifications for that 322 cubic inch V-8 engine, you'll find them here. Whether you want all the numbers for the Carter carburetor or the Stromberg, this guide has them. In fact, you'll find this resource is loaded with well-written procedures and data, which has been handily accompanied by tables, cut-away views, black and white photos, charts and illustrations throughout. It has wiring diagrams
- 1953 Buick Roadmaster
- 1953 Buick Special
- 1953 Buick Super
This manual is perfect for the restorer, or anyone working on one of these vehicles. Clear illustrations show exploded views as well as component details, plus specs on engine data, engine torque, carburetion and more. When you're ready to perform the maintenance and repairs on your 1953 Buick, be sure to use this new, printed and packaged version of the same manual which was prepared by the original manufacturer for their service team back when these stylish models first began to roam the boulevards.
Subject: 1953 Buick Shop Manual - Includes Detailed Procedures and Instructions. | OEM Part Number: B.P.S. 1.36
![1953 Buick Shop Manual](
- Introduction - General Information
- Lubricare and Bearing Service
- Engine
- Engine Fuel and Exhaust Systems
- Clutch, Transmission, Universal Joint
- Rear Axle Assembly
- Chassis Suspension
- Steering Gear and Tie Rods
- Brakes
- Frame and Bumpers
- Electrical Systems
- Radio and Other Accessories
- Chassis Sheet Metal
- Body
- Alphabetical Index