This 1956 Pontiac Air Conditioning Shop Manual by Detroit Iron® is a high-quality, licensed, PRINT reproduction of the shop manual written and first published by the experts at the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Pontiac Motor Division, for use by their dealership mechanics. Now, this professional service guide can be yours.
As if owning a '56 Pontiac wasn't cool enough already, having one with air conditioning practically makes you Mr. Freeze. Some estimates state that only four percent of the Pontiac models sold in 1956 were equipped with factory air! Be sure to get and keep yours at its best by using this superior guide.
Here's why you should own this manual...
- It's filled with specific factory-authored instructions (NOT generic, aftermarket-written content)
- It includes a huge number and variety of helpful visual aids
- It contains all of the factory-correct specifications
- You'll find important warnings and cautions
This handy service manual contains comprehensive information regarding Pontiac's 1956 air conditioning system. It begins with the correct operating procedures and moves on to the basic principles of refrigeration. There are instructions for accurately and efficiently servicing all parts of the AC system. Much more than general information, you'll find chapters on inspection and periodic service, adjustments on the vehicle, mechanical and refrigeration services and testing and diagnosis instructions. It's the guide you need to stay frosty!
- 1956 Pontiac Catalina
- 1956 Pontiac Chieftain
- 1956 Pontiac Star Chief
- 1956 Pontiac Star Chief Custom
NOTE: This manual is a SUPPLEMENT. It specifically addresses the air conditioning system. For the MAIN book, please see the 1956 Pontiac Shop Manual which features over 400 pages of details related to the rest of your classic Poncho. We highly recommend adding BOTH manuals to your automotive library for more thorough coverage.
You'll be pleased to find that the well-organized instructions in this air conditioning shop manual are presented in a clear manner. The various visual aids greatly complement the step-by-step text instructions. This outstanding layout will help you to keep your cool when working on your ac.
It's important to know that not all reproduction manuals are the same. The Motor Bookstore™ has been serving the do-it-yourself (DIY) mechanic crowd since 1997. We remain dedicated to offering the finest products on the market. That's why we've chosen to carry THIS version of the 1956 Pontiac Air Conditioning Shop Manual from publisher Detroit Iron®. They're the best because Detroit Iron® uses cutting-edge digital print technology and first-class materials (such as thick paper). They also retain ALL of the content from the original source. This effort results in service manuals featuring dark text set against clean backgrounds and delivering sharp visual tools. Please look at the stunning sample page we've included which showcases the quality of the information and how well it has been reproduced.
This factory-written shop manual is perfect for service, repairs, restoration, and rebuild projects. Clear illustrations and photos show exploded views, as well as component details, plus specifications and more.
Subject: 1956 Pontiac Air Conditioning Shop Manual - Includes Detailed Procedures and Instructions. | ISBN-10: 01791417884 | ISBN-13: 9781791417888 | OEM Part Number: S-5604AC

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