This OEM 1958-1960 Edsel Master Parts Catalog is a high quality authorized licensed reproduction of the original shop manual published by Ford Motor Company. If you're looking for parts information with respect to your 1958 - 1959 - 1960 Edsel, this 944 page guide is the definitive resource. The parts have been divided into groups. Using the index, you can find your appropriate group. Once there, you'll find detailed diagrams with exploded views of all the components and fasteners which apply to that group. The illustrations have arrows pointing to each item and a reference number is attached to the arrow. Some will display dotted lines to also show you how the components will attach to each other. Not only are these diagrams helpful for locating part information, but they are also exceptionally useful to see how the components "fit". It's like using the picture on the puzzle box cover to help put it all together. With the number from the illustration, you'll be able to look up more information. Each item has details for the group and part number, the description, size, etc., the number required per vehicle, the model or engine cubic inch displacement, and the applicable year model.
You'll love these great illustrations, and it should make your Edsel projects easier, thanks to the multitude of quality diagrams included throughout this book.
Perhaps you've found yourself with a restoration project which came with an assortment of parts, which have been stuffed into various boxes, bins and bags. This guide will help you to determine if they are correct for your application, exactly what they are and help to show how they should be assembled and installed. Also, if that project vehicle is missing parts, this book serves as a valuable resource for trips to the salvage yards and swap meets.
- 1958 Edsel Bermuda
- 1958 Edsel Citation
- 1958 - 1959 Edsel Corsair
- 1958 Edsel Pacer
- 1958 - 1960 Edsel Ranger
- 1958 Edsel Roundup
- 1958 - 1960 Edsel Villager
This 1958 - 1960 Edsel Master Parts Catalog is perfect for the restorer or anyone working on one of these vehicles. Clear illustrations show exploded views along with part numbers, part number cross-referencing, part assembly and more. This resource is a wealth of helpful information for you to identify the parts on your famous classic. Be sure to use this freshly-printed and packaged version of the same manual which was prepared by the original manufacturer for their Parts Department.
Subject: OEM 1958-1960 Edsel Master Parts Catalog - 1958, 1959, 1960. | OEM Part Number: FORM MD-8279-60

- Wheels, Hubs and Drums
- Brakes
- Front Suspension and Steering
- Rear Suspension, Axle, Drive Shaft
- Frame and Exhaust System
- Engine
- Transmission
- Cooling System
- Carburetor
- Electrical (Engine, Chassis, Body, Lamps)
- Chassis Sheet Metal
- Bumpers and Windshield Wipers
- Accessories and Air Conditioning
- Body
- Instrument Panel
- Floor Parts
- Front Door and Related Parts
- Front Door Window Regulator
- Center Pillar and Rear Doors
- Rear Door Widow Regulator
- Quarter Panels
- Luggage Comp. and Rear End
- Top and Roof
- Seats, Related Parts