This 1989 Chevy S-10 LD Truck Service Manual is a high-quality, licensed, PRINT reproduction of the shop manual written and first published by the experts at the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Chevrolet Motor Division, for use by their dealership mechanics. When your mighty little Chevy is ready for maintenance and repair tasks, be sure that YOU are ready too. With the information contained in this superior will be!
NOTE: This is the SERVICE manual. It covers procedures regarding maintenance, service, adjustments and the removal and installation of components. For OVERHAUL procedures (regarding the disassembly, refurbishment and assembly of major components once off of the vehicle), please see the 1989 Chevy LD Truck Unit Repair Manual. Also, for additional ELECTRICAL information, be sure to check out the 1989 Chevrolet S-10 Truck Electrical Diagnosis & Wiring Diagrams manual. It's an 11" x 17" guide with a handy comb binding. We strongly recommend owning all manuals with factory content that apply to your vehicle. These great books will make welcome additions to your automotive library.
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You'll find over 1,250 pages of detailed service information in this outstanding resource. There are also many visual aids (in a variety of styles) to provide unmatched clarity when combined with the easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions. Don't just read about it. Take a moment to view a couple of sample pages we've included to see how well the illustrations complement the directions. Notice the remarkable detail in the E-Z Entry Release Cable diagram. It even blows-up the critical area to show you exactly how and where the cable and spring attach. You'll find this level of detail has been employed throughout.
In 1989, there were many excellent choices with regards to films showing at the local cinemas. One of them was "Field of Dreams". In that movie, Kevin Costner's character hears the voice of bsaseball great, Shoeless Joe Jackson, who advises, "If you build it...he will come." Chevrolet must have heard some voices too. They built a diverse line of trucks for all types of work and play in '89. The "S" series line-up proudly played a big role in making up that array of fine vehicles. Sure enough, Chevrolet built them...and the truck buying public showed up with money in hand. You could call that a home run! If your s-10 is in need of some attention, this freshly-printed guide will help you "go the distance" and ease your pain!
Back in 1974, Chevrolet captured that wonderful American sprit with their popular jingle, "Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet". That sounds like a field of dreams to us. We'll at least help you take care of the Chevrolet part.
This factory-written 1989 Chevrolet truck shop manual, for the s-10 models is perfect for service, repairs, restoration and rebuild projects. Clear illustrations and diagrams show exploded views, as well as component details, plus specifications, engine repair details, fuel systems and more.
Subject: 1989 Chevrolet S-10 LD Truck Service Manual - Includes Detailed Procedures and Instructions. | OEM Part Number: ST-369-89

- General Information
- Heating and Air Conditioning
- Frame and Cab
- Steering, Suspension, Wheels and Tires
- Propeller Shaft and Axle
- Brakes
- Engine
- Transmission and Clutch
- Electrical
- Accessories
- Body
- Index
- General Information
- Driveability Symptoms
- Computer Command Control
- Fuel Control
- Evaporative Emission Control
- Ignition System/EST
- Electronic Spark Control
- Air Management
- Exhaust Gas Recirculation
- Automatic Transmission Converter Clutch or Down-Shift Control and Manual Transmission Shift Light
- Positive Crankcase Ventilation
- Thermostatic Air Cleaner
- Special Tools and Specifications
- Abbreviations
- Alphabetical Index