Auto Body & Paint Books
Auto Body Repair, Painting and Detailing Manuals: Car, Truck, Motorcycle, Boat, etc.
Before you start spraying several top coats of expensive automotive paint, the body of your car - or motorcycle, pickup truck, boat, etc. - must be prepared properly.
Our selection of books and how-to guides on automotive bodywork cover the gamut. From dealing with small dings and dents to rust repair, panel restoration or replacement, we probably have an auto body repair manual for you.
Then, when the bodywork is done, it's time to get the spray gun out. But wait! You want to make sure that this part is done to perfection, and in order to achieve a great paint job, you must do it right. That's why we offer a great selection on how-to books and guides on how to paint your car, motorcycle, truck, tractor and more.
Pro Paint & Body 2nd Edition
$30.00$26.95 -
Media Blasting & Metal Preparation - How-To Guide
$30.95$29.95 -
How to Paint Your Car on a Budget
$36.95$35.95 -
How to Fabricate Firberglass and Carbon Fiber Parts
$38.95$38.90 -
Fiberglass and Other Composite Materials
$30.00$26.95 -
Composite Materials Step By Step Projects
$27.95$25.95 -
Automotive Bodywork and Rust Repair
$36.95$34.95 -
Automotive Body Repair and Painting Manual
How To Paint Your Car
Painting a vehicle is rather simple, but 'simple' rarely means 'easy.' So if you want to get professional results, then knowing what's necessary to achieve such results is the key to a successful paint job. Rather than downloading inferior auto body repair manuals free from the Internet, you can spend a small amount of money for a high-quality manual that includes detailed instructions and up-close photographs.
The books The Motor Bookstore sells on how to paint your car, motorcycle, truck, or anything else for that matter, are a smart and small investment. For the best auto body repair book available, browse the various subjects such as body work, airbrushing, auto interiors and auto detailing. These specialized manuals will show you what you will need to get the best results. A comprehensive automobile paint book will save you both time and money.
Modern paints sometimes require controlled environments, like a spray booth. Not only can they be environmentally dangerous but also bad for humans during application, therefore requiring protective suits and breathing masks.
The proper disposal of leftover paints and solvents is also something to consider. Never dump chemicals down the drain or in the backyard. Most garbage collection centers have special areas for this type of refuse. Plus, the guys behind the counter at your local automotive paint store can give you important tips on how to dispose of or recycle unused product.
Spraying a small area in the driveway may be okay, as long as the overspray does not ruin your neighbor's car. But when it comes to catalyzed paints or primers, custom colors, etc., you want to make sure you're doing things right.
So get one of our books and know what you'll need beforehand in order to give your car a great-looking paint job.