Automotive Electrical, Wiring Systems, Electronics, Computer Codes, OBD-I, OBD, II, A/C, etc.

Performing your own automotive electrical repair can be intricate work. At The Motor Bookstore, we offer automotive electronics repair manuals and wiring guides. Clear, detailed directions on installation, diagnosis and car electric codes mean you won't get your wires crossed while working on your vehicle.
Wiring and electrical systems have advanced exponentially over the past years, so our selection covers a variety of subjects for vehicles ranging in age and technological complexity. To make your DIY automotive electrical wiring project easier, our guides and books take you step-by-step on topics including emissions controls, tire pressure, air conditioning systems, sensors, circuit design and OBD.
A better understanding of your vehicle's electrical systems through the use of our detailed manuals will help you use diagnostic tools, read the diagnosis and determine the best way to troubleshoot or make repairs. We encourage DIY mechanics of all skill levels to keep a copy of car electric codes lying around as a reference. Familiarize yourself with the full list to better understand what a computer code is telling you. Code charts for all models make it easy for you to diagnose the issue. A quick diagnosis can save you from the hassle and inconvenience of taking it to an auto shop for something simple. If you're a DIY mechanic, understanding the diagnosis leads to troubleshooting and a quick repair.
If automotive electrical repair is too far beyond your area of expertise, we encourage you to keep on hand a copy of an electrical manual specific to your vehicle. Learn more about your systems and gain at least a minimal understanding of your vehicle. In the event your vehicle requires maintenance or work on the wiring systems, you'll have a better idea of what the technician is talking about. This extra knowledge will make you a better consumer and potentially prevent you from being over charged for unnecessary wiring jobs.
For some DIY mechanics, diagnosis is a breeze and they are ready to move on to aftermarket upgrades. Learn more about converting your vehicle from gasoline to electric, add lighting and accessories or install an onboard GPS. Our selection of automotive electrical books includes guides about component installation for everything from small wiring tasks to complex conversions. No matter where you fall along the technical spectrum, get the reference materials you need from The Motor Bookstore.