This Evinrude 40-300 HP, 2-Stroke, Fuel-Injected Outbards Repair Manual by Seloc covers Evinrudeoutboards. Furthermore, it covers all 15-300 HP 2-stroke Fuel Injected Motors manufactured between 2002 and 2012, including the new 300 E-TEC V6.
Step-by-step illustrated keyed procedures guide you through every conceivable job possible, including all adjustments necessary. Perfect for do-it-yourselfers, professional mechanics, or students.
Seloc marine manuals are known for their authoring. The 2002-2012 Evinrude 40-300 HP, 2-Stroke, Fuel-Injected Outbards Repair Manual is a prime example of their quality. The textual pages procedures for each repair, service or rebuild task is complimented by diagrams, schematics and exploded views to aid the DIY'er's understanding of the specific task at hand. This manual also includes a troubleshooting section and wiring diagrams.
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Click on the SPECIFICATIONS tab above and refer to an excerpt from this shop manual.
Subject: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Evinrude 40-300 HP, 2-Stroke, Fuel-Injected Outboards service, maintenance, and repair manual. ISBN-10: 0893300713 | ISBN-13: 9780893300715 | Seloc 1313
- General information
- Tools and equipment
- Boating safety
- Engine tune-up
- Engine disassembly and reassembly
- Fuel system
- Ignition system
- Electrical system
- Cooling system
- Drive unit
- Tilt and trim systems
- Engine specs; torque specs
- Maintenance and off-season storage
- Wiring diagrams