The Flathead represents Ford's popular line of V8s. They were manufactured between 1932 and 1953. Ford Flathead Engines - How to Rebuild & Modify is a comprehensive review for rebuilding and upgrading this distinctive engine. It walks you through the process, breaking down projects by goal and diving into oil gallery plugs, cylinder heads, camshaft gears, clutch assembly, pistons and much more.
To rebuild a Ford Flathead V8, you need to start with a solid core. This is going to be a big task as many existing engines in this category are prone to cracking due to everything from disrepair to lack of use. After finding your core, the book takes you through cooling systems, transmission mounts and ignitions. Each chapter is broken down by not just parts and production, but basic and sophisticated tools needed to rebuild a Ford Flathead V8.
The flathead was an important development when Americans wanted powerful engines in their cars and trucks. It was said Ford's V8 was in tune with the cultural moment, making the leap into Ford's eventual leadership as a principal architect in engines. The V8 had a 21 year production, longer than the Model T which was on the market for 19. A staple in hot rods during the 1950s, the flathead landed on Ward's list of best 20th century engines. Despite the popular V8s that followed, Ford versions still remain among the most sought after among hobbyists and rebuilders.
Ford Flathead Engines - How to Rebuild & Modify makes it clear that rebuilding this vintage engine can be done effectively with authoritive tips and strategies. This rebuild manual provides complete coverage of what it takes to rebuild a flathead engine including disassembly, cleaning, inspection, machining, part selection, final assembly, engine startup procedures, and of course building performance steps and procedures.
Whether you own a shop or you're working through a dream project in the garage, your rebuild of a Ford Flathead V8 is going to go smoother with Ford Flathead Engines - How to Rebuild & Modify on deck.
Subject: Learn how to rebuild and modify Ford Flathead Engines - Step-by-Step Procedures. ISBN-10: 1613252870 | ISBN-13: 9781613252871 | CarTech Books SA379