Jeep 4.0 Engines: How To Rebuild and Modify - CarTech SA294
Workbench books are resources for both novice and professional, providing exemplary lessons to better understanding tools, vehicles and caring for these items.
Larry Shepard's Jeep 4.0 Engines: How to Rebuild and Modify fits the bill in that department. The Jeep 4.0L is a staple in Wranglers, CJs, Wagoneers and Cherokees. The venerable engine has never let anyone down. But it has also been the off-road riders' wish to have more torque and horsepower.
Well, this Jeep 4.0 engine rebuild book has all the details you're going to need to modify or rebuild that machine in affordable and practical manners. There are untold millions of Jeep owners that ought to have this book. It can save incalculable amounts of money and time. Instead of taking the Jeep to the shop for a mechanic, you might find it surprising how easy it is to inspect the rods and bearings, cam and lifers, valvetrain or flexplate. Jeep 4.0 Engines: How to Rebuild and Modify gives thorough breakdowns of parts selection, short block assembly, machining, preassembly, final clearing, and initial start-up. Even if you prefer having a paid professional do the job, imagine how much more confident you'll feel knowing this Jeep 4.0 engine rebuild book can help you have a smart conversation about your Jeep.
The Jeep engine is a durable, affordable and potentially powerful option. Seen as one of the top 4x4 off-road engines available. But what does any of that mean if you're not aware how much you can probably get out of it? This book fully covers crucial step-by-step procedures alongside detailed captions and self-explanatory photos. You will get from engine disassembly, line boring and overboring the block at a pace that's comfortable with your schedule and lifestyle.
Jeep 4.0 Engines: How to Rebuild and Modify is another great read from Larry Shepard. He's written a number of technical performance manuals for Chrysler, as well as Jeep, Dana & Chrysler Differentials: How to Rebuild the 8-1/4, 8-3/4, Dana 44 & 60 & AMC 20. His latest, a study in Jeep 4.0 engine rebuild, promises to cement Shepard's reputation as an aficionado and master of the high performance Jeep.
Refer to the Specifications Tab for a sample page from this book which discusses some Short Block Assembly Procedures.
Subject: Jeep 4.0 Engines: how-to rebuild and modify procedures. | ISBN-10: 1613251386 | ISBN-13: 9781613251386 | CarTech Books SA294

Below: Jeep 4.0 Engines: How to Rebuild and Mody by Larry Shephard Sample Page. Copyright CarTech Books.