MG, Austin-Healey Repair Manuals

MG & Austin-Healey Car Repair, Service & Restoration Manuals

You are in the right place to find a repair manual for your MG or Austin-Healey car. You can even plan your project to restore your car with a book from The Motor Bookstore. Just browse through the selection here and see what we have to offer. These books cover all the major components on your car starting with the engine, fuel system, suspension, wiring diagrams, brakes, and much, much more.

Starting Point For Your MG or Austin-Healey Repair Job

Start your project with a repair manual at your fingertips from the Motor Bookstore. It is your blueprint for action. These books illustrate each major component of your car with exploded views, photographs, wiring schematics, and step by step instructions for proceeding through the job systematically.

The Chilton and Haynes books include tips and techniques that will save you time and grief. You'll also get valuable troubleshooting charts, torque specs, and fluid capacities to assist you in getting the job done right.

For the classic MG or Austin-Healey we offer several factory authorized publications, meant for the professional mechanic but loaded with information that the savvy DIY mechanic can put to good use.

If you have a restoration project you'll want one of our books that will give you everything you need to know to restore your MG.

So find your model, get your MG or Austin-Healey manual, and start learning everything you need to know about your car.

1974 MGB

Above: Fred Schumacher's 1974 MGB. Fred's the third owner of this well-cared-for specimen. The car lives in an airport hangar at Roche Harbor, in San Juan Island, Washington, about 10 miles from Victoria, BC. Its winters are in covered storage and summers are top-down transportation on the small island, where the speed limit is 45 mph.