This 1960 Edsel Shop Manual is a high-quality, PRINT, reproduction of the shop manual which was written and first published by the experts at the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Ford Motor Company, for use by their dealership mechanics. Now, this great service manual can be yours!
- 1960 Edsel Ranger
- 1960 Edsel Villager
When it comes time to get to work on your classic 1960 Edsel, this hefty, 650-page guide is the first tool you'll want in hand. Perhaps the foreword of this book describes it best where it says, "This Maintenance Manual has been prepared to provide information for the proper servicing of 1960 Edsel vehicles. Described in the manual are step by step procedures supplemented with many illustrations showing the relationship of parts and the use of special tools and equipment. These instructions, if carefully followed, will result in satisfactory repair or replacement of various component parts and assemblies."
You'll love the voluminous amount of well-written, step-by-step, text instructions and will be even more thrilled to discover that this guide has also been filled with a huge number and variety of wonderful, helpful visual aids. The detailed illustrations, exploded-views, cut-away views, tables, charts, circuit diagrams and others provide you an excellent look at what is involved in repair and maintenance operations from small to large. You'll also have the comfort of knowing you're using the factory specifications and order of disassembly, assembly, adjustment, etc. This is the comprehensive manual for these classic cars.
Areas addressed in this handy manual include: frame, brakes, front suspension, rear suspension, steering, engine, transmission-clutch, fuel system, engine-electrical, instruments, lamps and controls, exhaust system, wheels and tires, accessories, lubrication and body.
The 1960 Edsel models rolled-out with all new styling. A great deal was changed, but they remained distinctive. Advertisements for those 1960 Edsel cars boldly declared, "New! Nifty! Thrifty!". Although the Edsel division did not survive after the 1960 model year, there were many things to like about these cars, and certainly there is strong collector appeal among vintage car enthusiasts. If you don't want to have just another 1969 Camaro. '57 Chevy, '65 Mustang, etc. then one of the Edsel models may just be your ticket. If so, you'll definitely want this freshly-printed version of the manual assembled by the factory. It's a clean and new reproduction which retains all of the content of the original. Order yours today!
NOTE: This is the SHOP MANUAL. For PARTS information, please check out the 1958-1960 Edsel Master Parts Catalog. For air conditioning information, please see the 1955 - 1961 Lincoln, Mercury & Edsel Air Conditioning Service Manual.
This factory-written 1960 Edsel shop manual is perfect for service, repairs, restoration and rebuild projects. Clear illustrations and photos show exploded views, as well as component details, plus specifications on engine data, engine torque, carburetion and more.
Subject: 1960 Edsel Shop Manual - Includes Detailed Procedures and Instructions. | OEM Part Number: FORM 5703-60

- Frame
- Brakes
- Front Suspension
- Rear Suspension
- Steering
- Engine
- Transmission - Clutch
- Fuel System
- Engine - Electrical
- Instruments, Lamps, and Controls
- Exhaust System
- Wheels and Tires
- Accessories
- Lubrication
- Body
Below:1960 Edsel Shop Manual Sample Page - Engine